Northwood Rd.  This residence explores the idea of possibilities of efficient use of space within framework of passive solar principles and parameters of local council regulations.  The home sits on a 336m² block running East West for a young couple

Northwood Rd.

This residence explores the idea of possibilities of efficient use of space within framework of passive solar principles and parameters of local council regulations.

The home sits on a 336m² block running East West for a young couple, accommodating their immediate lifestyle needs and now as a family. Open plan living areas are connected to the outside and even an intimate retreat.

The buildings contribution to the street is modest with the combination of raw textures from the face brick, white rendered wall and the warm tones of the cedar cladding.

The site is in a character protection area, so the interpretation of ‘pitch roof’ requirement was achieved by sculpting a strong double storey pitched roof form running the length of the south boundary. Attached to the north side of the pitched roof form is the single storey box. This delineates the pool courtyard and carport to the East.

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